Rope in those worries!

Discover the simplest way to manage anxiety, stress, or depression in the comfort of your own home. Without spending a ton of money & years in therapy.

Become the “Happiness Hero” of your own life starting today!

Watch video below to learn more

Together let’s focus on solutions not problems!

You are one decision away from becoming a Happiness Hero! 

Make Happy a Habit Online Course

Be the Happiness Hero of your own life starting today! 

Benefits & Outcomes

What’s included in the course


When you sign up for the “Make Happy a Habit” program, prepare to be pleasantly surprised and perhaps even relieved by the abundance of solutions awaiting you. Picture this: with over seven hours of immersive video and audio content right at your fingertips, you hold the key to a life-changing transformation. Imagine no longer being held back by the burdens of anxiety and unease, as you uncover tools, tips, and strategies to effectively manage your mental and emotional well-being.

Module 1

In this module, we take a good look at where you are now, what are your current struggles, what is holding you back and what aspects of your life you would like to change. We discover new ways of thinking & perspectives, helping you overcome current obstacles or stresses.

Module 2

Here we share a simple but powerful step by step plan you can apply immediately to initiate life changing transformation to the quality of your life. Learn cutting edge strategies to manage emotions, stress, and reduce overwhelm or anxiety.

Module 3

Here we look at how your self-image and self-esteem could be limiting your happiness and the results you are getting in life. Healing ourselves from self-sabotaging beliefs is a big key to living a life of happiness, confidence, and joy.

Module 4

We take a holistic approach to creating good overall health and well-being, and how improving our lifestyle can enhance our overall happiness in life. We discuss the relationship between gut health and mental health, the gut/brain connection and recommend ways to discover if your gut health is affecting your emotions.

Module 5

In “Tools for Change”, we are going to share with you some of the most powerful processes on the planet to transform unwanted emotions helping you create the life of your dreams.

Module 6

Time to get excited, together we will create your own life plan, yes that’s right, we are going to get clear on where you are going and the steps required to live the life of your dreams. So buckle up it’s now your time to shine!

When is it your time to be happy?

Listen to what others have to say

Hear what fellow coaches and participants have to say!

Tara Brown

Luke Pearce

Jasmin Harvey

Richard Kerr

“Make happy a habit has been completely life changing. To really accept that I can create my own happiness through changing my thinking was the biggest ah ha moment of my life… and I now know I can achieve big things in life. This course reminded me to dream again and believe in myself. I’m loving it. I am grateful beyond words for what I’ve got out of this program.” 

Dianne L, Make Happy a Habit participant

I just have to say… I have never found a personal development program before with more truly valuable information, resources and practical tools. I can honestly say even after the first module I felt I understood why my emotions have been so difficult to manage and how my beliefs and thinking had been limiting my life and ultimately my happiness. The extra bonus content and the quick start guide was a great help to start me on the journey to feeling better.

This program has transformed the way I think and I thank Jen from the bottom of my heart. 

Janine S, Make Happy a Habit participant

“I loved this program and most of all the fact that Jen is real with a down to earth approach. She knows exactly the struggles that many women are going through. She talks from personal experience has lived the lows in life and found the keys to happiness in her own life. I take my hat off to her for making this information available for anyone who truly wants answers with their struggles.  There’s no fluff, there are no bubbles, no BS, it’s just cut the rubbish, just change your perception, just do the work and you will get the results. My life is absolutely a testament to the program, and I am proud to say I am a Happiness Hero, my friends and family can’t believe the change in me, I finally get it! I enrolled in the weekly group coaching option and found it to be a personal touch that kept me accountable to following through on days I could have just as easily made excuses”  Simply brilliant program!

Carol k, Make Happy a Habit participant

But Wait look At All The FREE Bonuses

Total Value of FREE Bonuses $1376.00


Discover your path to happiness

As you can see Jen.D’s “Make Happy a Habit” program and coaching has helped

countless people of all ages to transform the quality of their lives.

The question is ………….. Are YOU ready to be a “Happiness Hero too?


How much is your happiness worth?

When is enough, enough?

Are you tired of feeling down?
Have you been searching for answers?

Fed up with feeling stuck in a rut?
Tired of battling constant negative emotions?
Struggling to find your way out of the darkness?
Frustrated with the endless cycle of stress and overwhelm?
Yearning for a life filled with purpose and joy?
Ready to break free from the grip of depression?
Desperate for solutions to the pain of anxiety?
Want real solutions with lasting results?

What if there is a better way?

What if you simply have a problem you have not found an effective solution to YET………

Sometimes all you need is a little Faith!

Is this program right for me?

The philosophies outlined in the “Make Happy a Habit” program are for anyone struggling to manage their emotions on a day to day basis. These principals have been adopted by even the youngest of my coaching students. The program has a simple to follow step by step roadmap of action steps to take back control of your life and emotional states.

How do I know it will work for me?

I am so confident in the “Make Happy a Habit” program that my promise to you is, after following the program you do not feel it greatly enhanced your knowledge and well-being, simply drop us a line within 30 days, and we’ll swiftly refund your investment no questions asked. It’s my passion to see you thrive, and am dedicated to ensuring your journey with us is nothing short of life changing as YOU become the “Happiness Hero” of your own life!

Why would I purchase this program when I can just Google information?

The information outlined in this program is the culmination of over twenty plus years research and study, working with people of all ages to assist them to manage their emotions and release the past pent up emotions. The ETP/Enerpsych method which is shared within the pages of the course contains cutting edge principals. This method of releasing past pent up emotions is the secret sauce to living a life of happiness and joy. The best way I like to describe it is, we all like to shower or bath daily, brush our teeth etc, so why wouldn’t we clear our pent up emotions regularly?

You want to know why?

Because no one has taught us the importance of releasing these pent up feelings, LET ALONE DOING IT ON A REGULAR BASIS! The next thing you know, your emotions are all over the place and you get triggered at the drop of a hat, and your anxiety is through the roof!

Is it worth the investment?

I have made this program in reach of anyone who is truly ready to transform the quality of their life. Therefore my question to you is how much is your happiness worth?

If you don’t feel your happiness is worth the asking price of this program then you definitely NEED to purchase the program because there is your very first limiting belief! So let me remind you now, you are worthy of love and happiness, YOU are enough. The real you is just waiting to spread your wings, so when is now a good time to decide to transform the quality of your life.

What if I just don’t believe I can change my life? What if I just don’t have the energy?

Let me share with you now, I have been there myself. I think that is why I am so deeply passionate about sharing this knowledge with you today. This my friend, is my calling, it is my life mission to help people breakout of painful emotional states of living. I know 100% there is a way forward for you, and I also understand it takes a leap of faith when your feeling down, hopeless and alone. I guess sometimes you’ve just got to trust that change is possible and that someone who has been where you are now can shine the light on your path forward, I truly hope you might give this cowgirl from the bush a chance to light the way!

Choose the best option for you!


Become a Happiness Heroes Today!

Imagine mastering your thoughts and emotions, living each day with joy and confidence. Our “Make Happy a Habit” program is designed to help you achieve exactly that!

Sign Up Today and Enjoy:

  • Immediate Access: Dive right into the complete “Make Happy a Habit” program.
  • Exclusive Bonuses: Take advantage of special one-time offers designed to accelerate your transformation.

This program has been carefully crafted to guide you step-by-step along your path to living a life you can be proud of, a life where you are in control of your emotions and indeed your life path. We all need a helping hand along the way sometimes, and we all know that having a wise coach or guide can speed up your journey. Why spend years struggling when the hard work is already done for you. In this course we combine years of wisdom taking knowledge from the best of the best, you could literally save yourself hundreds of thousands of dollars and many years searching for answers, however it’s all here, plus all the tools you need to get your life back on track, in a matter of weeks!

Plus I am so confident the Make happy a habit program will transform the quality of your life I am offering !00% money back guarantee, no questions asked, I can’t be fairer then that. As a cowgirl from the bush a country handshake is not just a greeting, it’s a promise!

Time to get back on the horse, together we’ll wrangle those worries and get you riding high in the saddle of life!

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your life. Sign up now and start your journey to discovering the secrets to lasting happiness!



Join the Happiness Heroes Community Today!

Are you ready to transform your life and become the master of your own thoughts and emotions? Imagine having a dedicated community and an expert guide to support you on your journey to lasting happiness and emotional well-being.

Why Join the Happiness Heroes Community?

Exclusive Access to Jen.D: Receive tailored advice and support, get your questions answered directly by Jen.D, our happiness expert, during weekly group coaching sessions question and answer time.. 

Comprehensive Online Support: Our full online support option provides you with the tools and resources you need to fast-track your journey. Whether you’re looking for guidance, motivation, or a community of like-minded individuals, you’ll find it all here.

Stay Inspired and Motivated: Receive weekly boosts of inspiration and encouragement from Jen.D and your community.

Don’t settle for a life of “what if’s” and “maybes.”

Take control of your happiness journey now. Join us, and let’s make happy a habit together!

Sign up today and become the master of your thoughts and emotions. Your best life awaits!

Added Bonus of joining the VIP coaching option:-

Be the first to know about our “Make Happy a Habit” retreats and adventure weekends!

Where like minded people come together, share their journey and make life long friendships.

If you have been searching for your tribe these events maybe just what you’ve been looking for!


Where a country handshake isn’t just a greeting, it’s a promise!

I deeply desire the best for YOU. That’s why I stand by the “Make Happy a Habit” program with unwavering confidence—it’s not just a collection of information; it’s a way forward with hope, a roadmap to transformation. Every ounce of effort, has been poured into crafting this step-by-step program, and is fuelled by a burning passion to deliver real, life-changing tools and strategies. So here’s my pledge, sealed with a country handshake: if, after completing the course, you don’t feel you have gained valuable knowledge and tools to transform the quality of your life, I’ll refund your purchase price, no questions asked. That’s how confident I am in the power of this program to make a difference in your life.


When life’s bucked you off……

It’s time to dust yourself off, straighten that hat, and dig your feet in deep.
You’re not riding this rodeo alone anymore.
With a dash of help and a pinch of courage, you’ll be back riding life tall and proud.
It’s your time to shine and become the HAPPINESS HERO of your own life, starting today!

One Final word…….

If a horse running wild and free without bridle or saddle for restraint, can trust me to guide him along life’s path with knowledge and wisdom then just perhaps, you can too?


“Who Could You Become With A Little Support And Understanding?

Together let’s focus on solutions not problems!